>>> Fulltext with 109 Signatories >>> Intersex Protests + Info ’53rd ESPE 2014′
[…] We’d like to respectfully remind you that such non-consensual procedures
• constitute fundamental human rights
violations (see below),
• constitute violations of civil, criminal,
constitutional and international law, [1]
• constitute violations of ethics
principles and regulations, [2]
• have been criticised by survivors as
harmful and mutilating for more than
20 years. [3] […]
We therefore would like to reiterate our pleas to ESPE and its affiliates, including Irish Universities and Children’s Clinics,
- to kindly reconsider non-consensual cosmetic treatments of children and adolescents with intersex variations (including hypospadias and CAH) unfortunately still advocated at the 53rd Annual Meeting in Dublin
- to kindly reconsider the stigmatising nomenclature ‘Disorders of Sex Development’
- to do so in consultation with intersex organisations
- to acknowledge the harm and suffering inadvertently caused by non-consensual treatments of children and adolescents with intersex variations (including hypospadias and CAH)
- to initiate a process of coming to terms with the past as a necessary first step towards reconciliation. […]
>>> Fulltext: Open Letter of Concern to ‘ESPE 2014’ with 109 Signatories