Anthony Balcom, MD, Assistant Prof Ped Uro Perv
@ Children’s Hospital & Medical College Wisconsin,
‘Professional Interests’: ‘Hypospadias Repair’, ‘Vaginoplasty reconstructive procedures’, can’t even spell out ‘DSD’, professional member of the ‘American College of Surgeons’, which itself is member of the ‘World Federation of Associations of Pedo Mutilators (WOFAPS)’ meeting next week in Berlin. YUCK!
‘Another new program recently started by Pediatric Urology is the Vaginal Enhancement in Unique Situations, or VENUS Clinic for vaginal inadequacy. There are many different diagnoses that can result in vaginal inadequacy, such as Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome and cloacal anomaly/exstrophy situations, to mention a few. There is also multidisciplinary representation in this clinic, including Pediatric Gynecology. These patients can present as neonates or as older adolescents. […] Our goal is to treat patients with vaginal inadequacy in a very sensitive, individualized, age-appropriate, patient-directed manner. […] The patients treated in the newly formed Disorders of Sexual Differentiation Clinic […] may [ultimately] also need the expertise of the new VENUS Clinic.’
• Documentation ‘Intersex Genital Mutilations’ (PDF, 2.4 MB) [ TRIGGER WARNING!!! ]