UK > UN Press Release Highlights Intersex Genital Mutilation on FacebookIGM = CRIME, Not 'Health Care' or 'Therapy'!During its 72nd Session in Geneva, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) questioned the UK over Intersex Genital Mutilations (IGM), with the Head of Delegation basically repeating the same (non-)answer no less than 3 times (this blog reported).

The first intersex Q&A was also summarised in the UN press release of the UK’s review:

“Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women reviews the situation of women’s rights in the United Kingdom”
>>> UN Press Release (26.02.2019)

Questions by the Committee Experts

[…] The delegation was asked whether it would adopt legislation prohibiting irreversible surgery on intersex children and remove barriers to access to justice, including by lifting the statute of limitations.


Responses by the Delegation

Responding, the delegation said that England had issued a call for evidence in order to increase its understanding of the issues facing intersex persons and especially victims of intersex genital mutilation. […]

>>> IGM in the UK, 2019: CEDAW Intersex Briefing Update (PDF, 2 pages)
Full Report: UK questioned on IGM by UN-CEDAW, 26.02.2019
Why UK intersex advocate Dawn Vago can’t testify at the UN in Geneva
UK > NHS Doctor admits to performing Intersex Genital Mutilation
>>> Timeline CEDAW UK 2018-19

2018-CEDAW-PSWG-UK-NGO-Coalition-Intersex-IGMIGM in the UK: 2018 CEDAW Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM in the UK • Statistics • Complicity of the State • Harmful Practice
>>> Download as PDF (679 kb)

2019-CEDAW-UK-NGO-Coalition-Intersex-IGMIGM in the UK: 2019 Follow-Up Report (for Session)
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
Impunity • International IGM Networks in the UK • Testimonies
>>> Download as PDF (430 kb)

See also:
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
40 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …

CEDAW72 > UK questioned about Intersex Genital Mutilation by UN

>>> Why UK intersex advocate Dawn Vago can’t testify at the UN in Geneva
UK > NHS Doctor admits to performing Intersex Genital Mutilation

CEDAW 72nd Session @ Palais des Nations, Geneva 26.02.2019, 09:57h: Getting ready on together with UK intersex NGOs IntersexUK (iUK) and UK Intersex Association (UKIA)  submitted 2 comprehensive NGO Reports on the situation of intersex people in the UK to CEDAW, which demonstrate that intersex genital mutilation continues in in all 4 devolved nations, and during the Lunchtime meeting of CEDAW with UK NGOs on 25.02.2019 further briefed the Committee with a Joint Intersex Briefing Update (PDF).

>>> Full CEDAW Timeline UK 2018-2019

During the 72nd Session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Committee is examining the human rights record of the UK on Tuesday 26 February 2019, 10-13h CET + 15-17h CET (= 9am-noon UK time + 2pm-4pm UK time), with both Session being transmitted LIVE on was reporting LIVE from Geneva, hoping the Committee will ask tough questions on IGM practices in UK!

Session 1, Tue 26 February 2019, 10-13h CET

11:55h (Video @ 1:54:35): YAY!! Committee expert Ms. Bandana Rana (Nepal) who covers CEDAW article 5 on “harmful cultural practices” just raised “intersex genial mutilation” and the lack of access to redress and justice! Notes the UK didn’t reply to the pre-session question in the List of Issues (LOI) on data about IGM. Repeats demand for statistics and asks if UK does plan to implement legislation to stop IGM and address lack of access to justice, including the statutes of limitations? :-) Unofficial Transcript:

«The Committee is concerned about reports of Intersex Genital Mutilation, and the lack of redress and compensation in such cases. As the number of such procedures was also not included in the List of Issues, can you provide data on the number of such surgeries on intersex children? Do you plan to adopt legislation to eliminate this practice, and to address obstacles to access to justice, namely the statutes of limitations?»

12:09h (Video @ 2:07:56): Weak answer on IGM by Head of Delegation Ms. Elysia McCaffrey (Deputy Head, Government Equalities Office), refers to the Call for Evidence (which reportedly fails to adequately consider human rights, namely the non-derogable rights to protection from harmful practices, and to justice and redress for victims”, see Joint Briefing Update (PDF, p.1, last para)), claims UK wants to really understand. :-( Unofficial Transcript:

«I would just like to start if I may a little bit out of order around the question on intersex genital mutilation. We have just issued a Call for Evidence in England where we recognise that we don’t have sufficient understanding of this issue and the issues that have affected these individuals, and we want to really understand that, and that Call for Evidence has been issued recently. So I’m afraid that I don’t have detailed answers on that today but I do [indiscernible] we’re happy to follow up with the Committee once we’ve completed that exercise.»

12:30h (Video @ 2:28:55): Head of Delegation Ms. Elysia McCaffrey (Deputy Head, Government Equalities Office) gives some more info on the “Call for Evidence” (which reportedly fails to adequately consider human rights, namely the non-derogable rights to protection from harmful practices, and to justice and redress for victims”, see Joint Briefing Update (PDF, p.1, last para)), states it is a complicated issue issue, claims UK wants to do the right thing:-( Unofficial Transcript:

«My colleague has just helpfully let me know I mentioned the intersex Call for Evidence that was launched on the 17 January and it’s a 10 week Call for Evidence and it is designed to understand the experiences of people who have variations in their sex characteristics. So this is, obviously it’s an emerging and complicated area policy and we’re looking to use this Call for Evidence to help us really do the right thing and make sure the position is significantly improved for those people.»

Session 2, Tue 26 February 2019, 15-17h CET

16:21h (Video @ 1:22:12): Committee expert Ms. Ana Peláez Narváez (Spain), of CRPD13 fame, follows up on forced sterilisation of women with disabilities, as well as intersex genital mutilation (the question’s wording was perhaps not entirely clear at first, as“surgeries to reassign sex or change sex” gererally refer to consensual trans surgery, not IGM) – however, this was soon clarified in the answer, see below), what measures is the UK taking to repeal those practices? :-) Unofficial Transcript:

«I also wanted to ask something else. I’m concerned by the fact that forced treatment can be used in the State party for sterilisation for example or surgeries to reassign sex or change sex. So I would like to know what measures the State party has taken in order to repeal these practices and bring it into line with a human rights based focus.»

16:37h (Video @ 1:36:52): Head of Delegation Ms. Elysia McCaffrey (Deputy Head, Government Equalities Office) answers on forced sterilisation and intersex genital mutilation, again referring to the “Call for Evidence” (which reportedly fails to adequately consider human rights, namely the non-derogable rights to protection from harmful practices, and to justice and redress for victims”, see Joint Briefing Update (PDF, p.1, last para)), but else remains vague (and didn’t answer at all regarding forced sterilisation of women with disabilities). :-( (Though kudos for correctly answering on IGM.) Unofficial Transcript:

«In relation to forced sterilisation and for changing sex, I think if I understand this question rightly you were referring to intersex genital mutilation and this is something that we’re aware of the debate around and we are aware of the debate on the practice of medical interventions in this area. Really we require more govern- more evidence of the nature and the scale of this issue, and the call for evidence which I talked about earlier today should help us to determine whether and what government intervention is necessary.»

In March, the Committee will publish its “Concluding observations” with binding recommendations – hopefully including yet another strong reprimand for IGM practices for the UK! Fingers crossed!

>>> Full Chronology CEDAW UK 2018-19
>>> Intersex human rights at the UN are under attack!!!

>>> IGM in the UK, 2019: CEDAW Intersex Briefing Update (PDF, 2 pages)
UK > NHS Doctor admits to performing Intersex Genital Mutilation
Why UK intersex advocate Dawn Vago can’t testify at the UN in Geneva

2018-CEDAW-PSWG-UK-NGO-Coalition-Intersex-IGMIGM in the UK: 2018 CEDAW Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM in the UK • Statistics • Complicity of the State • Harmful Practice
>>> Download as PDF (679 kb)

2019-CEDAW-UK-NGO-Coalition-Intersex-IGMIGM in the UK: 2019 Follow-Up Report (for Session)
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
Impunity • International IGM Networks in the UK • Testimonies
>>> Download as PDF (430 kb)

>>> Intersex human rights at the UN are under attack!!!
>>> Intersex: How to Distinguish Medical Crimes from Health Care

See also:
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
40 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: 2015 UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)

Why UK intersex advocate Dawn Vago can’t testify at the UN in Geneva on FacebookToday Tuesday 26 February 2019, 10-13h CET + 15-17h CET (= 9am-noon UK time + 2pm-4pm UK time) the UK’s human rights record will be examined by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Geneva – to be transmitted LIVE on!

IntersexUK’s Dawn Vago, co-rapporteur of the Thematic Intersex NGO Reports, was scheduled to testify before the Committee in Geneva. Unfortunately, this wasn’t meant to be. Below Dawn explains why, and what this has to do with her being an IGM survivor (taken from an email to fellow UK NGOs present in Geneva):

I am Dawn Vago from IntersexUK and the designated speaker on behalf of the Intersex NGO Coalition, and I’d like to second Daniela’s email, as I am not ok and have not agreed to not getting speaking time.

I recently sustained significant injuries from a fall (shattered eye socket and cheekbone, fractured wrist, broken rib) which have kept me from beeing as vocal in the email chain that I would I have liked to have been, and which unfortunately will prevent me from travelling to Geneva without further injuring my health. However, I will follow the session remotely.

Unfortunately, the severity of my injuries is a direct consequence of having been submitted to intersex genital mutilation, namely the removal of vital hormone producing organs (gonadectomy) at age 8, of which a known complication is osteoporosis (weak bones), from which I have been suffering since 2005.

I am desperately trying to find someone else to come and speak from IntersexUK but time is short and in case we can’t find anybody, IntersexUK officially designates our co-rapporteur Daniela Truffer to speak on my behalf.

We must be allowed to speak out about our grievances during the public briefing, as the UK continues to illegally perform intersex genital mutilation against past UN condemnations. For example I just heard that a young intersex girl age 7 underwent gonadectony at my local hospital not so long ago, and being told the same cancer risk lie they told my parents 30 years ago! AND my adopted son was also told he needed his penis surgically ‘corrected’ on and his female body parts removed for no other reason than cosmetic purposes only less than 1 year ago.The UK has not moved on, and we desperately need IGM to stop!

I plea with you to allow us adequate time to speak and not silence us the same way surgeons and society silence us in the UK. We understand the value of everyone else’s voice but we cant sit by unnoticed. Please help.

Best regards and respect

Dawn Vago

>>> UK > NHS Doctor admits to performing Intersex Genital Mutilation
>>> Timeline CEDAW UK 2018-19

2019-CAT-UK-NGO-Coalition-Intersex-IGMIntersex Genital Mutilations in the UK: 2019 CAT Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM in the UK •  Stats • Complicity of the State • Inhuman Treatment
>>> Download as PDF (679 kb)

2019-CEDAW-UK-NGO-Coalition-Intersex-IGMIGM in the UK: 2019 Follow-Up Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
Impunity • International IGM Networks in the UK • Testimonies
>>> Download as PDF (430 kb)

See also:
‘Only the Fear of the Judge Will Make IGM Perpetrators Change’
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
40 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: 2015 UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)

UK > NHS Doctor admits to performing Intersex Genital Mutilation: ‘We are talking about relatively small numbers’ – really!?

BBC quote M. Woodward: 'maybe between 20 and 40 surgical procedures a year in the whole of the UK'
NHS Bristol paediatric surgeon Mark Woodward, “the chair of the NHS England review of surgery on intersex people”, publicly admits to performing involuntary genital surgery on intersex children, according to the BBC “the majority of [it] not medically needed”. (However, according to a recent UK Study there are rather 2900 IGM procedures annually.) on FacebookWe’re saying kudos to Dr Woodward for going public in a >>> 15-minutes BBC video report about “Intersex surgeries” (which actually are not about “assigning sex”, but according to the UN simply a serious human rights violation – also the often-repeated wrong number of allegedly “as many as 1.7% of the world have intersex traits” is unfortunately as false as claiming “the UN” would say this, actually there are rather 0.2% intersex people, see this excellent rebuke by BBC’s Tim Harford).

The following is a transcript of Mark Woodward’s statements in the video:

[Previous segment: Holly Greenberry, co-founder IntersexUK denounces the “huge detrimental impact” of unnecessary genital surgery on intersex children.]

[ video @ 11.46 min ] Mark Woodward (Consultant Paediatric Urologist [Surgeon], NHS Bristol): But that’s just focusing on that small aspect of health. And that’s not necessarily looking at psychology, the social impact of it.

Commentary: Mark Woodward will be the chair of the NHS England review of surgery on intersex people.

Moderator: Of the numbers of surgeries that are happening on DSD children in the UK, how many of those are necessary medically?

Woodward: It looks like roughly 150 children a year are assessed as new patients with DSD, and maybe between 20 and 40 surgical procedures a year in the whole of the UK, so we are talking about relatively small numbers.

Moderator: Of those 20 to 30 who are having surgery, how many of those would you estimate are absolutely required to happen in childhood?

Woodward: Yes, so I mean that is the big question, if you said are these procedures absolutely medically necessary? I.e. is a child going to come to harm if they don’t have surgery, well that number would be not that whole group, it would be smaller than that.

Voiceover: So while the majority of UK surgeries on intersex or DSD children are not medically needed, Mark Woodward, like Joyce Mbogo in Kenya, says it is often the parents pushing for them.

Woodward: So yes sometimes when you hear people talking about surgery, it’s as if we, the surgeons, are kind of dragging the children out of the parent’s arms and doing the surgery somehow against what the parents want. I mean that has never been my experience with the UK approach in DSD. I mean I feel, as do most of the people I speak to involved is that our position s we do not want to do any surgery, we would rather not do any surgery at all. I can imagine some teenagers saying, I wish I hadn’t had to make this surgery decision for myself.

Moderator: But are these imagined scenarios?

Woodward: Yeah they are totally imagined, yeah. Yeah.

Moderator: So we don’t know.

Woodward: Yeah that’s the problem we have absolutely no idea.

[Next segment: The Lohmans in Milwaukee, parents of intersex child Rosie: “All of the horror stories we were told Rosie’s life was going to be like if we just left her be and none of which have come true. […] Rosie is fine.“]

By the way, you’ll find the entire statistics of the recent Huddersfield Intersex Study (which found 2900 IGM surgeries annually in England alone!) and more evidence in the CAT Intersex NGO Report (PDF, see p. 11-16).

>>> 40 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …

2019-CAT-UK-NGO-Coalition-Intersex-IGMIntersex Genital Mutilations in the UK: 2019 CAT Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM in the UK •  Stats • Complicity of the State • Inhuman Treatment
>>> Download as PDF (679 kb)

2019-CEDAW-UK-NGO-Coalition-Intersex-IGMIGM in the UK: 2019 Follow-Up Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
Impunity • International IGM Networks in the UK • Testimonies
>>> Download as PDF (430 kb)

See also:
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: 2015 UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)

CRC80 > Intersex Genital Mutilation: UN reprimands Belgium, Italy

[ Français ]  [ Deutsch ]

Photo: Nonviolent Intersex Protest @ UNHRC UPR #14, Geneva 20.10.2012 on FacebookDuring its 80th Session in Geneva, the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) examined the human rights record of Belgium and Italy, grilling both State parties specifically on intersex and IGM.

Intersex advocates are delighted that the Committee today sternly reprimanded both States for Intersex Genital Mutilations (IGM) under CRC art. 24(3) “harmful practices” (same as FGM), and in particular explicitly urged Belgium to “[p]rohibit the performance of unnecessary medical or surgical treatment on intersex children” and to “ensure […] access […] to effective remedies, including by lifting the statute of limitations”, referring to the CRC-CEDAW Joint General Comment No. 18/31 “on harmful practices”, and to target 5.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (“eliminate all harmful practices”).

This latest reprimands for IGM practices by a UN treaty body mark
• the first reprimand for IGM for Belgium,
• already the 2nd reprimand for IGM for Italy,
• now 40 UN reprimands condemning IGM as a serious violation of non-derogable human rights.

Intersex NGO together with intersex advocates Claudia Balsamo (Italy) and Thierry Bosman (Belgium), with the support of Intersexioni, Intersex Esiste and Intersex Belgium, and with additional help from Michela Balocchi, Daniela Crocetti and Londé Ngosso, had submitted substantial evidence of the ongoing IGM practices in both countries.

Please find below the full binding intersex recommendations for both Belgium and Italy, as well as links to the evidence submitted to the Committee and to the shocking denials and excuses of both States when questioned by the Committee in Geneva:


2018 CRC Belgium NGO (for PSWG) Intersex IGMIntersex Genital Mutilation in Belgium: 2018 CRC Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM in Belgium • Complicity of the State • Harmful Practice
>>> Download as PDF (376 kb)

2018 CRC Belgium NGO (for Session) Intersex IGMIGM in Belgium: 2018 Follow-Up Report (for Session)
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
Gov sidelines Intersex NGOs • International IGM Networks in Belgium
>>> Download as PDF (210 kb)

>>> CRC80 Belgium: Full Session Report, Transcripts, Videos
Belgique > Communiqué de l’ONU souligne l’absence de protection législative
>>> Full CRC Timeline Belgium 2018-2019

Belgium: Full Binding CRC80 Intersex Recommendations
>>> Download Full Concl Obs:
CRC/C/BEL/CO/5-6 –> paras 25(b)+26(e)

Harmful practices

25. The Committee notes with concern that:


(b) Intersex children are subjected to medically unnecessary surgeries and other procedures.

26. With reference to joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on harmful practices (2014) and taking into account target 5.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee urges the State party to:


(e) Prohibit the performance of unnecessary medical or surgical treatment on intersex children where those procedures can be safely deferred until children are able to provide their informed consent; ensure that intersex children and their families have access to adequate counselling and support and to effective remedies, including by lifting the statute of limitations.


2018 CRC Italy NGO (for PSWG) Intersex IGMIntersex Genital Mutilations in Italy: 2018 CRC Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM in Italy • Complicity of the State • Harmful Practice
>>> Download as PDF (391 kb)

2018 CRC Italy NGO (for Session) Intersex IGMIGM in Italy: 2018 Follow-Up Report (for Session)
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM Statistics • International IGM Networks in Italy • Testimonies
>>> Download as PDF (450 kb)

>>> CRC80 Italy: Full Session Report, Transcripts, Videos
Italy > Intersex Genital Mutilation: Gov Denial makes UN Press Release
>>> Full CRC Timeline Italy 2018-2019

Italy: Full Binding CRC80 Intersex Recommendations
>>> Download Full Concl Obs:
CRC/C/ITA/CO/5-6 –> para 23

Harmful practices

23. The Committee recommends that the State party:

(a) Develop and implement a child rights-based health-care protocol for intersex children, setting the procedures and steps to be followed by health teams, ensuring that no one is subjected to unnecessary medical or surgical treatment during infancy or childhood, guarantee bodily integrity, autonomy and self-determination to children concerned, and provide families with intersex children with adequate counselling and support;

(b) Educate and train medical and psychological professionals on the range of sexual, and related biological and physical, diversity and on the consequences of unnecessary surgical and other medical interventions for intersex children.

See also:
‘Only the Fear of the Judge Will Make IGM Perpetrators Change’
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
40 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: 2015 UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)

Italy > Intersex Genital Mutilation: Gov Denial makes UN Press Release on FacebookBoth the English and the French UN press releases on the review of Italy by the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on 22.-23.02.2019 feature the questions of the Committee Expert about IGM and reparations, and how Italy quickly changed the subject, non-answering on “trans law” and “3rd gender” instead (however both releases don’t include the follow-up Q&A, see full report):

“Committee on the Rights of the Child reviews the situation of children in Italy”
>>> UN Press Release (23.01.2019)

Questions by the Committee Experts


The delegation was asked about the procedure in place when an intersex child was born, and whether surgeries and medical procedures performed without consent were prosecuted.

Replies by the Delegation


Gender assignment surgery was regulated by the 1982 law which prescribed that the cost of operating on ambiguous genitalia was covered by the State.  In 2015, the Constitutional Court had restated the principle for the need of a judicial review on sex change in old cases.  Italy would amend the sex determination on the certificate of birth assistance to include also the category of undetermined. 


“Le Comité des droits de l’enfant a examine le rapport de l’Italie”
>>> Communique de presse de l’ONU (23.01.2019)

Examen du rapport

Questions et observations des membres du Comité


[…]  Ce même expert a demandé s’il était toujours possible en Italie d’imposer une intervention chirurgicale aux enfants intersexes et si les enfants concernés pouvaient obtenir des réparations.


Réponses de la délégation


La délégation a expliqué que l’attribution du sexe est régie par la loi.  Le recours à une intervention chirurgicale n’est permis qu’en cas de « sexualité ambiguë », a-t-elle précisé, expliquant qu’il faut alors chercher à favoriser les facteurs dominants.  Les modalités de changement de sexe doivent faire l’objet d’un contrôle judiciaire, a souligné la délégation.  Le traitement chirurgical est un instrument auquel il peut éventuellement être recouru pour assurer le bien-être psychique des personnes concernées, a indiqué la délégation.  Elle a fait état d’un projet de loi qui prévoit qu’à la naissance, le sexe puisse être mentionné comme étant masculin, féminin ou indéterminé.


>>> Italy + Belgium > UN-CRC80 to examine Intersex Genital Mutilation
>>> Italy > Asked about intersex, Gov replies on trans + “3rd gender”
>>> Belgium > Gov claims it’s “medical treatment”, not human rights issue

See also:
‘Only the Fear of the Judge Will Make IGM Perpetrators Change’
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
38 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: 2015 UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)

Belgique > Mutilations Génitales Intersexes: Communiqué de l’ONU souligne l’absence de protection législative on FacebookLe Comité des droits de l’enfant (CRC) de l’ONU a interrogé la Belgique sur les mutilations génitales intersexes (MGI) à l’occasion de son examen périodique à la 80ème session du CRC à Genève (>>> transcription complète en anglais).
Maintenant, un >>> communiqué de presse de l’ONU sur l’examen met en lumière les questions-réponses sur les personnes intersexes :

“La délégation a dit qu’il n’y avait pas en Belgique « d’interdiction légale des interventions médicales non vitales » sur des enfants intersexués.  Le patient mineur qui est apte à estimer son propre intérêt a son mot à dire dans de telles interventions.  Il appartient au praticien d’évaluer la maturité du jeune patient.  Le mineur capable de discernement peut refuser un traitement, y compris un traitement vital, a indiqué la délégation.”

Le Comité publiera ses recommandations contraignantes pour la Belgique en février. Espérons une réprimande forte à la Belgique pour sa complicité dans les pratiques de MGI !

>>> Italy + Belgium > UN-CRC80 to examine Intersex Genital Mutilation
>>> Belgium > Gov claims it’s “medical treatment”, not human rights issue
Italy > Asked about intersex, Gov replies on trans + “3rd gender”

See also:
‘Only the Fear of the Judge Will Make IGM Perpetrators Change’
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
38 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: 2015 UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)

CRC80 > TRANSCRIPT + VIDEO: Belgium questioned over Intersex Genital Mutilation by UN – Gov denies, claims it’s “Medical Treatment”

UN-CRC 80th Session @ Palais Wilson, Geneva 24.01.2018: Getting ready … on together with Belgian intersex advocate Thierry Bosman, with the support of Intersex Belgium, and with additional help from Londé Ngosso submitted 2 comprehensive NGO Reports on the Situation of Intersex People in Belgium to CRC, which demonstrate that intersex genital mutilation practices continue in Belgium, and during the Pre-Session on 04.06.2018 briefed the Committee with a Joint intersex Statement.

>>> Full CRC Timeline Belgium 2018-2019

During the 80th Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Committe is examining the human rights record of Belgium on 24-25 January 2019, with both Session being transmitted on is reporting LIVE from Geneva, hoping the Committee will ask tough questions on IGM practices in Belgium!

Session 1, Thu 24 January 2019, 15-18h

15:50h: (Video @ ca. 00:50:00)YAY!! Committee expert and Country co-rapporteur Ms. Velina Todorova (Bulgaria) raises intersex children and IGM! Criticises non-urgent irreversible surgery and prenatal treatment before the children are old enough to provide informed consent. Asks for statistics. How does the government plan to adress this issue? Maintains this is both an issue of harmful practices and child participation:-)  Unofficial Transcript:

«Intersex children. We have been informed that many non-urgent, irreversible surgical and other procedures including prenatal have been undertaken on intersex children before an age at which that they are able to provide informed consent. Is there statistics available on this matter, and how does the government plan to address this issue? It is both a matter of harmful practice and of participation. The child should be able to agree or disagree on a matter affecting his or her identity.»

Session 2, Fri 25 January 2019, 10-13h

11:24h: (Video @ ca. 01:24:00) Non-answer on “medical procedures for intersex children” by Ms. Christel de Craim, Representative of the Minister of Justice to the National Commission of the Rights of the Child. Refers to Belgian Constitution art. 22bis which guarantees the right to physical integrity, however, there’s no law prohibiting non-vital procedures on intersex children. Decisions are made by parents, medical personnel and the child if old enough. There is no fixed age for children to be able to consent. Mentions trans law of 25 June 2017, but then says herself that this is off-topic. No answers on statistics and how to address human rights issues … :-( (Though kudos for publicly noticing trans legislation is not relevant to intersex children!) Unofficial Translation from original French:

«Ms. Karen van Laethem (President of National Commission on the Rights of the Child): There was a rather specific question on medical procedures for intersex children.»

«Ms. Christel de Craim: Indeed, Article 22bis of the Belgian Constitution provides that every child has the right to respect for his or her moral, physical, psychological and sexual integrity, but there is no legal prohibition in Belgium of non-vital treatment or interventions concerning intersex children who do not have the capacity of discernment to make such a decision.

Article 12 of the Law of 22 August 2002 on the patient’s right stipulates that, depending on age and maturity, the patient is involved in the exercise of his rights.The rights listed in this law may be exercised autonomously by the minor patient who may be considered capable of reasonably assessing his or her interests. When choosing a medical treatment for a child several people are involved, the parents, the caregiver and of course the child himself.

Belgian legislation does not impose age limits because they are relative. The practitioner or caregiver must actually assess the maturity of the minor and verify whether he or she is competent for all or only one of the patient’s rights. Nevertheless, the minor who has the capacity for discernment may exercise the right to refuse medical treatment autonomously, this could also include the refusal of vital treatment. 

Concerning the law of 25 June 2017 reforming the regimes relating to transgender persons regarding the mention of a change in the registration of sex in civil status records and its effects, it is, in my opinion, something else and it makes no sense to mention them here. Thank you.»

>>> Belgique > Communiqué de l’ONU souligne l’absence de protection législative
Italy + Belgium > UN-CRC80 to examine Intersex Genital Mutilation
>>> UPDATE!! UN-CRC condems IGM in Belgium as a “harmful practice” (like FGM)

2018 CRC Belgium NGO (for PSWG) Intersex IGMIntersex Genital Mutilation in Belgium: 2018 CRC Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM in Belgium • Complicity of the State • Harmful Practice
>>> Download as PDF (376 kb)

2018 CRC Belgium NGO (for Session) Intersex IGMIGM in Belgium: 2018 Follow-Up Report (for Session)
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
Gov sidelines Intersex NGOs • International IGM Networks in Belgium
>>> Download as PDF (210 kb)

See also:
‘Only the Fear of the Judge Will Make IGM Perpetrators Change’
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
38 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: 2015 UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)

Italy + Belgium > UN-CRC80 to examine Intersex Genital Mutilation

>>> Italy > Asked about intersex, Gov replies on trans + “3rd gender”
>>> Belgium > Gov claims it’s “medical treatment”, not human rights issue

Photo taken from the cover of the 2018 Belgium NGO Report (for Session): Ghent University Hospital, 12.06.2015 on FacebookDuring the 80th Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in Geneva, this week the Committee will examine the human rights record of Italy (22.-23.01.) and Belgium (24.-25.01.). In the run-up to the Session, the Committee had already asked both State parties questions specifically on intersex and IGM.

Intersex NGO together with intersex advocates Claudia Balsamo (Italy) and Thierry Bosman (Belgium), with the support of Intersexioni, Intersex Esiste and Intersex Belgium, and with additional help from Michela Balocchi, Daniela Crocetti and Londé Ngosso, had submitted substantial evidence of the ongoing IGM practices in both countries:

Italy (22.-23.01.)

Review of the human rights record of Italy during the 80th CRC Session in Geneva, archived on
Session 1: Tue 22 January 2019, 15-18h Report | Video
Session 2: Wed 23 January 2019, 10-13h  Report | Video
   When CRC asked about harmful practices on intersex children,
Italy answered on trans legislation and 3rd gender in birth assistance certificates …

   >>> CRC80 Italy Session Report, Transcripts, Videos
Italy > Intersex Genital Mutilation: Gov Denial makes UN Press Release

>>> Full CRC Timeline Italy 2018-2019

2018 CRC Italy NGO (for PSWG) Intersex IGMIn March 2018, the initial Thematic Intersex NGO Report (for PSWG) (PDF) provided solid evidence of ongoing IGM practices in Italy, advocated and paid for by the State party (p. 10-14). In addition, it shows how Italian case law promotes and endorses IGM by punishing its prevention (p. 11-12).
The Committe then asked Italy questions on intersex and IGM in its List of Issues (LOI), which Italy had to reply to in writing.

2018 CRC Italy NGO (for Session) Intersex IGMIn December 2018, the follow-up Thematic Intersex NGO Report (for Session) (PDF) investigated the statistic claims made by Italy in its replies to the LOI, and documented much higher numbers published by Italian IGM doctors themselves (p. 10-12).
It also contains personal testimonies from IGM survivors (p. 14-19), and extensive evidence of the most common IGM practices in Italy (p. 20-24).

Belgium (24.-25.01.)

Review of the human rights record of Belgium during the 80th CRC Session in Geneva, to be transmitted LIVE on
Session 1: Thu 24 January 2019, 15-18h Report | Video
Session 2: Fr 25 January 2019, 10-13h Report | Video
When CRC asked about harmful practices on intersex children,
Belgium replied it’s “medical treatment” , not a human rights issue …

>>> CRC80 Belgium Session Report, Transcripts, Videos
Belgique > Communiqué de l’ONU souligne l’absence de protection législative

>>> Full CRC Timeline Belgium 2018-2019

2018 CRC Belgium NGO (for PSWG) Intersex IGMIn March 2018, the initial Thematic Intersex NGO Report (for PSWG) (PDF) provided solid evidence of ongoing IGM practices in Belgium, advocated and paid for by the State party via the Public Health Service, and facilitated in public University Children’s Hospitals (p. 10-12).
In addition, it demonstrated that also children from neighbouring Luxembourg are sent to Belgium for IGM practices, particularly to the Ghent University Hospital (p. 12), and showed how Belgian IGM doctors consciously dismiss human rights (p. 13-14), the lack of independent data collection and monitoring (14) and obstacles to redress for IGM survivors (p. 14).

2018 CRC Belgium NGO (for Session) Intersex IGM In December 2018, the follow-up Thematic Intersex NGO Report (for Session) (PDF) documents recent developments including also children from Luxembourg and Malta submitted to IGM in Belgium (p. 7), Belgian hospitals involved in international IGM networks (p. 7-8), and how Belgian government bodies, in the name of promoting “Rights of intersex people”, in fact further promote and subsidise IGM practicioners and their institutions (p. 8-10); and it investigates the claims made by Belgium in its answers to the LOI (p. 11-14). The submitted version of the Report also contains a personal testimony of an IGM survivor (not included in the public version).

See also:
‘Only the Fear of the Judge Will Make IGM Perpetrators Change’
“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
38 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: 2015 UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)

CRC80 > VIDEO + TRANSCRIPT: Italy questioned over Intersex Genital Mutilation by UN – Gov “replies” on Trans + “3rd Gender”

[ Italiano ]

UN-CRC 80th Session @ Palais Wilson, Geneva 22.01.2019: Gearing up …
On the left: Italian intersex advocate Claudia Balsamo and’s Daniela Truffer with the follow-up Intersex NGO Report for the Session. (Photo: Markus Bauer) together with Italian intersex advocate Claudia Balsamo, with the support of Intersexioni and Intersex Esiste, and with additional help from Michela Balocchi and Daniela Crocetti submitted 2 comprehensive NGO Reports on the Situation of Intersex People in Italy to CRC, which demonstrate that intersex genital mutilation practices continue in Italy, and during the Pre-Session on 06.06.2018 briefed the Committee with a Joint intersex Statement (PDF).

>>> Full CRC Timeline Italy 2018-2019

During the 80th Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Committe is examining the human rights record of Italy on 22-23 January 2019, with both Session being transmitted on is reporting LIVE from Geneva, hoping the Committee will ask tough questions on IGM practices in Italy!

Session 1, Tue 22 January 2019, 15-18h

16:00h: (Video @ 00:59:30)YAY!! Committee expert and Country co-rapporteur Mr. Jorge Cardona Llorens (Spain) raises harmful practices on intersex children under violence, asking about protocols, incidents of involuntary unnecessary procedures, and legal provisions regarding prevention and remedy:-) Unofficial Translation from original Spanish:

«I shall end, Madam President, with very brief questions in relation to intersex children.
What is the health care protocol for intersex children?
What procedures and steps should health teams follow when an intersex child is born?
Are any of these children undergoing medical or surgical treatment?
What kind of support is planned to provide appropriate counselling and support to families of intersex children?
In relation to this, have incidents of surgical and other medical treatment without informed consent come to our attention, have they carried out an investigation into this? If so, do they have legal provisions in place to provide redress to victims of such treatment?
What training do medical professionals and psychologists receive on the sexual, biological and physical diversity associated with this phenomenon, and on the consequences of unnecessary surgical and other medical interventions for intersex children?»

17:18h: (Video @ 02:18:04Prof. Salvatore Sciacchitano, endocrinologist and Head Secretary at the Ministry of Health, non-answers on intersex: While the question was about intersex and IGM, he shortly claimed this would be “therapeutic health care procedures” the quickly changed subject and instead “replied” on Transgender (referring to law 164 of 1982 about changing legal sex) … He also raised environmental pollution causing intersex in the Veneto region. :-( Unofficial Translation from original Italian:

«I gladly answer the question of the Spanish commission member in my capacity as representative of the ministry of health and […] in my capacity as endocrinologist. The question referred to sexual differentiation disorders. in the health field, the path of surgical and registry attribution of sex is regulated in Italy by law 164 of 1982 [= “Law on Transsexualism”!].

The medical-surgical treatment provided for by law number 164 of 1982 is necessary only if there is a condition of conflict of the so-called ambiguous genitalia. I would like to point out that the Constitutional Court in 1985 sanctioned that sexual identity takes into account not only external sexual characteristics, but also psychological and social elements, resulting in a conception of sex as a complex data of personality determined by a set of factors whose balance must be facilitated or sought by favoring the dominant factor or factors.

Recently, our constitutional court ruled again in october 2015 reaffirming the principle that it remains inevitable a rigorous judicial assessment of the manner in which the change occurred and its definitive character. The court specified that compared to the change of sex, surgical treatment is a possible tool to help achieve a full psychological and physical well-being of the person.

And I would also like to mention the National Committee for Bioethics, which in 2010 issued an opinion on disorders of sexual differentiation in particular in children and in particular related to diseases that may occur in children. The National Committee for Bioethics focuses in particular on the consideration of the so-called exceptional cases where there are no objective indications for the sexual assignment.

The current legislation governing the declaration of sex at birth dating back to november 2000 is supplemented with a confidential note based on rigorous and complete medical certification of the disease from which the newborn suffers, so as to allow later, if necessary, a correction of the indication of age through a more simplified procedure than that provided for by law.

I would also like to mention that in these days our ministry is engaged together with the Veneto region on a large number of cases recorded in this region of disorders of sexual differentiation in fetuses of mothers subjected to water pollution with perfluoralkylic substances, so called PHAS, resulting from the processing of plastic materials, that have damaged the fetuses especially males of contaminated mothers causing dysfunction of their sexual differentiation. Our ministry of health is therefore also engaged in the front of prevention and research and identification of possible causes of disorders in particular those caused by environmental pollutants. Thank you.»

17:22h: (Video @ 02:22:03Ms. Serena Battilomo, Director of Office IX on protection of women’s health and vulnerable individuals at the Ministry of Health additionally “replied” on a new 3rd gender in birth assistance certificates (“M, F, Indeterminate”) … :-( Unofficial Translation from original Italian:

«I add a single element of updating about the fact that recently we are updating the birth assistance certificate I mentioned before for a new outline that in terms of indication of sex to the unborn child, while today provides male or female and then a description of female and male genitalia, we will replace everything instead with male or female or indeterminate  because the condition at that time is not identifiable, just to take into account the specificity of these cases and accompany them in the definition and in time.»

Session 2, Wed 23 January 2019, 10-13h

11:41h: (Video @ 01:41:48) YAY!! Committee expert and Country co-rapporteur Mr. Jorge Cardona Llorens (Spain) follows up on intersex and IGM! Clarifies answer was rather on trans issues, not intersex children. Repeats: What is the current protocol for intersex procedures, who decides? :-) Unofficial Translation from original Spanish:

«The answers regarding intersex children were answers that had more to do with trans children, but not intersex children. They intervene surgically when the child is born, it is the parents and the doctor who decide what sex the child is going to have when it is not clear? Their genitals, what do they belong to, who decides that? What is the protocol for acting?»

12:39h: (Video @ 02:39:04) More non-answers on intersex by Prof. Salvatore Sciacchitano, endocrinologist and Head Secretary at the Ministry of Health: Reads out the unrealistically low numbers on “urogenital surgery” from the State report Annex (discussed in the NGO Report for Session, p. 10-12), claims all surgery decisions were only taken after the child has consented:-( Unofficial Translation from original Italian:

«Yes, thank you, Salvatore Sciacchitano, Ministry of Health. I answer the questions of the Spanish Commissioner regarding sexual differentiation disorders, saying that reference has been made to the codes of the international classification of diseases, the codes of surgery, as well as data extracted from hospital admissions.

According to the Chicago Consensus Conference of 2006, sexual differentiation disorders have been established to be due to a series of diseases such as Klinefelter syndrome, gonadal dysgenesis, indeterminate sex pseudo-hermaphroditism, sexual chromosome abnormalities, other [incomprehensible] testicular functions, androgenic resistance syndrome or morris syndrome, adrenogenital syndrome.

I refer [incomprehensible] to all the procedures that are always included for the same codes as surgical procedures and appoint urogenital apparatus surgeries, and I stress urogenital, and I will say that in the selection of all that is the case study we received, we used criteria of age between 0 and 17 years, and taking into account the peculiarity of the expression of informed consent of minors in relation to the gradual ability to discern. The third element of data provision was the SDO system. The SDO system consists of the hospital disposal forms referring to the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, where we have separated all the pathologies that referred to subjects between 0 and 17 years, and of these we have made a comparative assessment with other states.

We have therefore what is the percentage with which surgery was used in the diagnosis of sexual differentiation disorder for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. In 2015, surgery was used in 0.8% of the diagnoses, in 2015 in 0.9, pardon me, in 2015 in 0.8, in 2016 in 0.9, in 2017 in 0.2 percent of sexual differentiation disorders were surgically treated.

A total of 2017 1252 cases of sexual differentiation disorders were diagnosed, and three cases were surgically treated in 2017. They are a 13-year-old male, a 2-year-old female, and another 16-year-old female. In the decision he chose the surgeon, after hearing the parents, and in the case of a minor with discernment skills was also heard the minor, and therefore we have two who were aged 13 and 16 years.

I repeat the concept, these are urogenital interventions, so in some of these probably the concern was to ensure the function of urination.»

>>> Italy > Intersex Genital Mutilation: Gov Denial makes UN Press Release
Italy + Belgium > UN-CRC80 to examine Intersex Genital Mutilation
>>> UPDATE!! UN-CRC condems IGM in Italy as a “harmful practice” (like FGM) 

2018 CRC Italy NGO (for PSWG) Intersex IGMIntersex Genital Mutilations in Italy: 2018 CRC Report
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM in Italy • Complicity of the State • Harmful Practice
>>> Download as PDF (391 kb)

2018 CRC Italy NGO (for Session) Intersex IGMIGM in Italy: 2018 Follow-Up Report (for Session)
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Reprod. Anatomy
IGM Statistics • International IGM Networks in Italy • Testimonies
>>> Download as PDF (450 kb)

>>> Download as PDF (450 kb)

See also:

“Harmful Medical Practice”: UN, COE, ACHPR, IACHR condem IGM
38 UN Reprimands for IGM – and counting …
UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC): IGM = Harmful Practice + Violence
UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
UN Women’s Rights Committee (CEDAW): IGM = Harmful Practice
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Violation of Integrity
UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee-CCPR) condemns IGM Practices

Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common is IGM?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

IGM as a Harmful Practice: UN-CRC Briefing
• IGM: A Survivor’s Perspective • Intersex Movement History
• What are Variations of Sex Anatomy?  • What are IGM Practices?
• IGM and Human Rights  • Conclusion: IGM is a Harmful Practice
>>> Download PDF (3.14 MB)     >>> Table of Contents

Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights
>>> Download PDF (831kb)