UN-CRC 72nd Session @ Palais Wilson, Geneva 23.05.2016, 14:57h CET: Getting ready …
>>> 09.06.2016: UN-CRC reprimanded UK + Nepal for IGM!
>>> That’s why the UK will be reprimanded for IGM Practices by UN-CRC
This week it’s the turn of the UK to be questioned over Intersex Genital Mutilations at the 72nd Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on Mon 23 May 15–18h CET [UK: 2-5pm] + Tue 24 May 10–13h CET [UK: 9am-noon] >>> see videos here!
StopIGM.org was reporting LIVE [ original full report ] from Palais Wilson in Geneva, expecting tough questions also for the UK, and both the UK and Nepal to be reprimanded by June 3rd.
Session 1, Mon 23.05.2016, 15-18h CET
15:29h: Harmful practices: FGM …
15:30h: … and intersex children now!
CRC co-rapporteur Kirsten Sandberg mentions the responsability of the UK state
by directly financing IGM practices. YAY!! 🙂 Unofficial Transcription:
«Intersex. Intersex children are born with unclear genitals, to put it that way, and there are harmful treatments done to them when they are babies or small children before they are able to consent themselves, and they have very bad effects on those involved, lifelong physical and psychological pain. And I wonder what you would do about this – in fact you directly finance it, the UK government through the public health assurances.»
Session 2, Tue 24.05.2016, 10-13h CET
11:27h: UK delegate Flora Taylor Goldhill (Director for Children, Families and Communities, Department of Health, ctd.) on “transgender health and […] intersex children” – yet another evasive Gov non-answer + denial, as per usual lumping together + confusing trans, LBGT, identity and intersex, while at the same time categorically ignoring the daily mutilations facilitated and paid for by the NHS 🙁
– a stark reminder why at the end of the day only legislators will make a difference … Unofficial Transcription:
«I now want to move on to the issues raised about transgender health and I will also pick up the question that Miss Sandberg raised yesterday about intersex children. As with society more generally, more needs to be done to change the culture within the wider NHS, so that all health care professionals are aware of the specific needs of transgender, non-binary and intersex people.
NHS England has established a clinical reference group for gender identity services comprising experts from different specialities and patient representatives to advise NHS England on clinical issues. The chair of NHS Englands clinical reference groups has worked with the general medical counsel to develop guidance for doctors on the care and treatment of transgender people. This was published on 18th of March 2015.
In Northern Ireland, the RCGP guidelines for the care of trans patients in primary care was published in 2015. For nursing, public health England and the Royal College of Nursing have developed two tool kids for nurses and health practitioners to support the mental health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans young people.
On intersex children: NHS England are responsible for specialised commissioning which covers this area. They wish to work with stakeholders to improve the services for these children and their families. NHS England are clear that the management of intersex conditions should optimise overall quality of life and that gender assignment interventions in newborns with intersex conditions should be avoided before expert evaluation.
Where babies and children could be described as intersex decisions about when and how to make medical interventions should be taken by clinicians in consultation with the parents of the child, and where possible and the child is older, seeking the views of the child himself or herself or themselves.
NHS England have recognised the need to engage service users and their families on this issue. The commissioning of specialised services by NHS England is heavily informed by expert and stakeholder advise via the clinical reference group that I mentioned. They use their specific knowledge and expertise to advise NHS England on the best way that specialised services should be provided.
NHS England welcomes the involvement of interested people in the work of the clinical reference group and is keen to work with all stakeholders including charities, patient groups, staff from service providers, and commercial organisations. NHS England has recently consulted on the proposals for the future configuration of clinical reference groups, and in spring of 2016 [?] it will publish details of which specialised services fall within each clinical reference groups remit. This will include details of the clinical reference group for specialist gynaecology services for children and young people.»
[ After the session when we spoke to Flora Taylor Goldhill, she first addressed intersex as a gender identity – BINGO! – and then said “it’s a new issue”. We presented a copy of the intersex NGO report to her, suggesting that if they really want to involve all interested parties they could start by consulting the organisations listed on p. 2 … ]
>>> Original Full Live Report of the Review of the UK
>>> 09.06.2016: UN-CRC reprimanded UK + Nepal for IGM!
>>> That’s why the UK will be reprimanded for IGM Practices by UN-CRC
Intersex Genital Mutilations in the UK: 2016 UN-CRC Report
Human Rights Violations Of Persons With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Most Common Forms • What is Intersex? • A Harmful Practice
>>> Download (PDF 3.60 MB)
See also:
• 11 Verdicts by UN Treaty Bodies Condemning IGM – And Counting …
• UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC) 2015: IGM = Harmful Practice
• UN Committee against Torture (CAT) 2015: IGM = Inhuman Treatment or Torture
• UN Human Rights Committee (HRCttee) to examine IGM Practices
• UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) condemns IGM
• Historic 56th Session of Committee against Torture reprimands 4 Governments over IGM
• CAT 2011: Germany must investigate IGM practices and compensate survivors!
Intersex Genital Mutilations • 17 Most Common Forms
Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy
IGM – Historical Overview • What is Intersex? • How Common are IGMs?
>>> Download PDF (3.65 MB) >>> Table of Contents
Eliminating IGM practices by holding the perpetrators accountable via well-established applicable human rights frameworks, including Inhuman Treatment and Harmful Practices – Presentation @ UN expert meeting on Intersex Human Rights in Geneva 26.–27.10.2015
>>> Download PDF (831kb)
A Director for Children, Families and Communities, Department of Health, who confuses trans issues with intersex and a surgeon who requires a law to prevent him from performing genital ‘reassignment’ (read mutilation) on intersex children illustrates why we need a ruling in LAW to put an end once and for all to this outdated, pseudo-medical social engineering abuse of children.