Peaceful Protests against ‘I-DSD’ Intersex Genital Mutilators, Glasgow June 7-9 2013: Report and Pictures

>>> Open Letter of Concern to ‘4th I-DSD Symposium 2013’ (PDF)
>>> VIDEO of the ‘I-DSD’ Protests in Glasgow | Excerpt Featured on ABC Nightline 
>>> ‘I-DSD’: ‘Cruel and inhuman’ surgeries – Press Release 07.06.2013

Protest #1, 07.06.2013, Wilson Medical School
(‘DSD Training Workshop for Young Investigators’), @10.31 am

STOP Genital Mutilation in Children's Clinics! on FacebookFirst, we’d like to thank everyone again who signed the Open Letter to the ‘4th I-DSD Symposium’, helped spreading the word or otherwise lent their support!

As always, during the protests we had honest and good conversations with people and parents concerned, other participants of various fields (even doctors), and many passers-by.

And once more we were delighted that also within the conference people called the perpetrators on their bullshit, and that this was reinforced by our peaceful protests outside and vice versa.

Protest #2, 07.06.2013, Sir Charles Wilson Building
(Venue ‘4th I-DSD Symposium’), @1.13 pm

Needless to say, also at the ‘4th I-DSD Symposium’ both forms of objection to the inveterate mutilators were sorely needed. Despite one doctor, who, after realising the presence of persons concerned, quickly tidied up his presentation (i.e. silently taking out the “bloody slides” to make it more palatable, though of course without changing its tenor), many were shamelessly advocating medically not necessary surgeries on defenceless children, proving once more such conferences are anything else than a safe place for persons concerned.

Protest #2, 07.06.2013, Sir Charles Wilson Building, @ 1.16pm: Opening of the ‘4th I-DSD Symposium’ (Centre: Prof Dr Olaf Hiort, Team Leader ‘EuroDSD’ and ‘DSDnet’).

Just two examples from Paediatric University Clinics represented at the the ‘4th Symposium’ to illustrate why countering the mutilators was important:

  • University Children’s Clinic Sao Paulo, Brazil: Paediatric endocrinologist Prof Dr Berenice Mendonca (also mentioned in the Open Letter to the ‘4th I-DSD Symposium’ (PDF), and soon to be again prominently featured at the upcoming Global Intersex Mutilators’ Conference ‘9th Joint Meeting of Paediatric Endocrinology’ in September) made several deeply unsettling remarks during her presentation and the discussions, and continued unfazed despite disturbed reactions by persons concerned.

Protest #3, 07.06.2013, University of Glasgow, Main Gate
(‘Guest Lecture’ and ‘I-DSD Steering Committee Meeting’), @5.37 pm

  • University Children’s Clinic Ulm, Germany: Peaediatric surgeon Dr Gabriele Jergl-Corkin, boasted referring to collegue and co-contributor Dr Clothilde Leriche: ‘Over a 27 year period our specialized pediatric surgeon has operated over 600 children with CAH, performing clitoris reductions, vaginoplasties and reconstructions of the labia.’  (see ‘I-DSD Proceedings’ (PDF, p 25)

Protest #5, 08.06.2013, Royal Hospital for Sick Children – Yorkhill
(Homebase ‘I-DSD’ and ‘Scottish DSD Network’), @2.03 pm

Protest #5, 08.06.2013, Royal Hospital for Sick Children – Yorkhill, @12.13 pm:
Police writing up the details of all protesters after complaints from within Yorkhill.
(We got off scot-free in the end.)

  • Dr Clothidle Leriche (University Children’s Clinic Ulm, Germany) boasting in front of ‘CAH parents’ last fall, then ‘only’ counted ‘500 CAH girls operated on’, as well as ‘170 other children’ (again including ‘feminising procedures’ only), as revealed earlier this year (report in German). (Obviously, ‘masculinising’ genital surgeries, e.g. ‘Hypospadias Repairs’ were not included in this gruesome statistic at all …)

Protest #6, 08.06.2013, Sir Charles Wilson Building, @4.41 pm:
‘We demand: Comprehensive Information against Manipulation!’ 
Katrin Ann Kunze † at the 1st ‘Zwitter Demo’, State Court Cologne, 12.12.2007

  • The resulting figure of at the very least 900 children submitted to genital surgeries (as admitted by the University Children’s Clinic Ulm, Germany themselves) becomes even more unsettling when considering that their “specialized pediatric surgeon” Dr Clothilde Leriche favours “genital corrections between 9–12 months”, as revealed (in German).

Protest #6, 08.06.2013, Sir Charles Wilson Building, @4.09 pm
(Centre:  Prof. Dr. Inas Mazen (‘D$D-Life’, Cairo, Egypt)

  • Grand Total of these at least 900 children ‘feminized’ by medically not necessary, cosmetic genital surgeries admitted by the University Children’s Clinic Ulm, Germany themselves: With German hospital records leaked by in 2010 documenting a staggering profit for the hospital of Euro 8175,12 per pedo-vaginoplasty, at least 900 children sum up to 7.3 Millionen Euros + (or at the very least € 7’357’608.–).

Protest #7, 09.06.2013, Sir Charles Wilson Building, @10.06 am

All the more important that the mutilators continue feeling the pressure wherever they gather to promote their atrocities!

Protest #7, 09.06.2013, Sir Charles Wilson Building, @11.14 am:
Pedo Surgeon Prof. Dr. Pierre Mouriquand (Lyon, France)
tries in vain to hail a departing taxi.

>>> ‘I-DSD’: ‘Cruel and inhuman’ surgeries – Press Release 07.06.2013
>>> Open Letter of Concern to ‘4th I-DSD Symposium’ (PDF)

VIDEO Action vs. ‘I-D$D’ Genital Mutilators!
4th I-D$D Symposium, Glasgow 2013
Thanks to Richard Duncker (MenDoComplain)

>>> on Vimeo

STOP IGM Primer:
What everyone should know about Intersex Genital Mutilations (IGM)!

>>> Download (PDF, 1.95 MB)

‘Intersex Genital Mutilations: History & Current Practice’

>>> Download (PDF, 2.4 MB)   [ TRIGGER WARNING!!! ]

Open Letter to ’51st Annual Meeting of ESPE’ 2012
Open Letter to ‘3rd EuroDSD Symposium’ 2011
Open Letter to ’11th EMBL/EMBO Conference’ 2010

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