CALL FOR ACTION! Digging the Dirt on local & regional Intersex Genital Mutilators – exposing the ‘4th World Congress of Pedo Surgeons’, Berlin October 13-19

Foto: 8th Peaceful Protest during the last day of the ‘9th Joint Meeting’ at Gate 2, Milano 22.09.2013

>>> INTERSEX-PROTESTS + INFO: Berlin 13.-15. Oct ‘WOFAPS 2013’

Heidi Walcutt (1997): 'STOP Intersex Genital Mutilation' on Facebook Dear fellow campaigners, friends, and allies

Perpetrators of Intersex Genital Mutilations from more than 84 (!!!) countries all over the globe will gather in Berlin, looking to increase their business – that is the ones actually wielding the scalpels!  (See for details + programme)

‘Hypospadias repair’ and ‘DSD’ are once again part of the programme of the ‘4th World Congress’ – human rights, ethics, and persons concerned aren’t – so far, same old.

In addition to the usual Peaceful Intersex Protests in front of the mutilators’ conference  (+ the upcoming call to sign the Open Letter), we CALL FOR YOUR HELP to expose the intersex surgeons, and make it stick, by digging up and collecting some of the evidence available online e.g. on paediatric university clinics’ listed treatments and related info, in publications by members of their staff, and then cross-referencing to the WOFAPS programme and regional member association.  

–> Please find a compiled list of WOFAPS member associations. Practical tip for investigations: Wherever there is a major regional (pedo) clinic with dedicated pedo endo and pedo surgeons / urologists / gynaecologists et al. departments, a relevant collection of dirt on the 3 most common surgeries – ‘hypospadias repair’, ‘clitoral reduction’ +/-  ‘vaginoplasty’, and castration – should be hit pretty soon in the pedo surgeons’ department, as well as for other relevant surgeries / treatments. Then cross-referencing these findings to the WOFAPS association member list and conference programme should match representation/involvement at/with the conference/WOFAPS.

We ask people to publish their collected evidence online (if possible), stating the specific surgeries / treatments evidenced, plus relevant quote(s) + source(s), so we can refer to this publication in the open letter when listing current practices. However, it’s also cool to just email us your findings (your details can also be withheld on request). will be able to cover the following WOFAPS members:
– Germany, 3 dedicated clinics, all procedures, direct links to DSD content of conference
– Argentina, dedicated clinic, global dissemination of mutilations at least since 1925 until today, represented at conference
– On John Gearhart (USA) we’ll find some dirt soon enough, direct link to hypospadias content of conference

We already did receive dirt on (Thanks!):
Dix Poppas (NYC, USA)

Time is of essence! Please consider to find some time during the next week to investigate and document some of your local/regional clinics and doctors perpetrating medically not necessary, cosmetic genital surgeries on intersex/’DSD’ children – because, until they know they’re being monitored and start feeling the pressure, they won’t stop!

Kind regards

Daniela “Nella” Truffer, Markus Bauer
Founding members human rights group

PS: As always, we’re generally inviting comments / additions / corrections also regarding the template parts of the Open Letter. We’re hoping to have a draft available and be asking for signatures within a week – watch out!

>>> INTERSEX-PROTESTS + INFO: Berlin 13.-15. Oct ‘WOFAPS 2013’

STOP IGM Primer:
What everyone should know about Intersex Genital Mutilations (IGM)!

>>> Download (PDF, 1.95 MB)

‘Intersex Genital Mutilations: History & Current Practice’

>>> Download (PDF, 2.4 MB)   [ TRIGGER WARNING!!! ]

Open Letter to ’51st Annual Meeting of ESPE’ 2012
Open Letter to ‘3rd EuroDSD Symposium’ 2011
Open Letter to ’11th EMBL/EMBO Conference’ 2010

Heidi Walcutt (1997): 'STOP Intersex Genital Mutilation' on Facebook

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